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"Welcome to Value.lk – Sri Lanka's smartest shopping platform. Explore thousands of products, compare prices across top stores, and find the best deals with just a few clicks. Your ultimate shopping assistant, powered by cutting-edge tech, is here!"

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Frequently asked questions

Have question about our services.These are the most comman question people ask from us about our site.If you don't have answer for you question in here.We always here to give help that you want 24/7 so contact us anytime.

Exactly what does this site do?

Simply,we collect products data from almost every e-com platform in island and serve user these data in a one platform that can find what exactly user want with ease.

What are the features?

You can easily find the product you’re looking for by utilizing our intuitive search feature. Plus, you can set price filters to narrow down your options to the exact range you want. All products are neatly categorized, making it simple to browse by category. We also offer a comprehensive result overview that showcases the best products available. Additionally, our analysis of store presence gives you insights into each seller, ensuring you make informed shopping decisions.

What about integrations?

This isn't a question for general users, but we have exciting news for developers! Soon, we’ll be offering full integration support with our API, allowing you to build websites, apps, or even bots using our robust backend and access comprehensive products data—all at very low prices for API usage. Stay tuned

Product purchasing?

We do not handle transactions directly on our website. Instead, we seamlessly guide you to the original store, making it easy for you to purchase the products you love.